Child Care

Years of inadequate public investment have left Utah families struggling with many unmet needs. Our schools require better funding to hire more teachers, counselors, and nurses. We need affordable child care for both our cities and rural areas, along with affordable housing, cleaner air, and much more.

So why are our state leaders so determined to eliminate the primary source of funding for our public education system and other community services that help kids and their families?

Between 2018 to 2024, the state legislature cut the state income tax four times, from 5% to 4.55%. Our leaders act like they are doing us all a favor, reducing our income taxes by a few dozen dollars each year - but these seemingly small cuts have resulted in an annual revenue loss of over $800M. 

Now, Utah’s legislative leaders are clear about their intentions to eliminate the income tax entirely.

“Ultimately what they (legislative leaders) want to do and what I want to do is get rid of the income tax completely.” - Governor Spencer Cox, December 2023
“I’ve said forever, if there is a way, we’d like to try to actually remove the income tax.” - Utah Senate President Stuart Adams, March 2024
 “I want to focus on continuing to reduce income tax. Let’s also continue to have the discussion on getting rid of the income tax all together.” - Utah House Speaker Mike Schultz, January 2024


However extreme and unrealistic these plans might seem, don’t doubt that they will try to do it. This year’s Interim Study Items include studying alternatives to the income tax. 

The Consequences

Eliminating the income tax in Utah would further reduce funding for essential services, leading to devastating cuts affecting education, healthcare, and social services. This could mean decreased compensation for educators, fewer family resources, and longer wait times for assistance. The majority of Utahns do not want lower taxes if it means lower-quality services. Income tax cuts don’t make states more prosperous or competitive, and they don’t help families make ends meet.

Proponents of eliminating the income tax have yet to propose any viable plan to replace the enormous revenue loss that will follow. Only one state, Alaska, has ever eliminated its income tax, and it did so only after striking oil.

An Unfair Tax System

A fair tax system relies on a balanced approach, combining property tax, sales tax, and income tax to ensure stability, fairness, and responsiveness. The income tax is meant to represent the leg of fairness, ensuring that wealthy households pay their fair share

Eliminating the income tax does not ensure that large corporations and the wealthiest residents pay their fair share in taxes. In fact, the benefits of income tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy. Eliminating the income tax would provide a benefit of $121,514 to the top 1% of Utahns, but only provide $121 to the lowest-income 20%. 

In recent years, wealthy corporations have enjoyed record profits, but aren’t paying their fair share in taxes. Further tax cuts mean they will pay even less. If the wealthy and corporations paid their fair share, we could expand opportunities to everyone, by investing in quality education, cleaner air, child care, and healthcare.

Utah's Values

Utahns believe in taking care of each other no matter what. But the recent years of revenue elimination have prioritized the wealthy and corporations instead. Now, over 60% of Utahns feel the state is on the wrong track, and that quality of life is worse than it was five years ago. Continuing to starve the state budget for critical public services, such as public education and highway safety, will not reverse that sentiment. 

State leaders should focus on strengthening the vital services that make sure working people, small businesses, and families have the tools to build a good life. It's time to prioritize the well-being of all Utahns over short-sighted tax cuts for the wealthy.

Published in News & Blog

When the pandemic hit, child care was one of the first sectors in crisis. But action in the form of federal aid and swift state program implementation prevented widespread program closures. The nearly $600 million Utah received in federal child care funds helped stabilize the historically struggling sector and defied national trends by expanding the number of child care slots available. This substantial funding is estimated to have supported child care services for over 85,200 children in Utah.

As federal COVID-era funds begin to wind down, child care providers and the parents they serve are looking to elected officials to ensure that the sector doesn’t immediately fall back into total crisis. Child Care Stabilization Grants, a key program of the funding, are currently playing a vital role in enabling child care providers to stay open, keep costs down for families, and raise wages in an industry that has been long plagued by inadequate compensation. Unfortunately, the lack of commitment from federal, state, or local governments to sustain these successful programs with new funding means most COVID-era programs will end, ultimately leaving parents with ballooning child care costs, and abandoning child care providers to navigate a broken system.

Starting in October, Utah families will begin to experience the impact of the child care funding cliff.

What change is happening this fall?

As federal funding runs out, Utah’s Office of Child Care (OCC) will reduce monthly Child Care Stabilization grant amounts by 75% in October. By June 2024, the grants will end entirely.

How will this change impact Utah providers and families?

Providers are preparing now for the impending grant reductions. For example, PC Tots, a program in Park City, already announced tuition increases due to a funding gap of $620,000 from the loss of ARPA money. One family reported a $1,000 monthly tuition increase for their two children enrolled in PC Tots, highlighting the financial strain this poses for many families.

The wind-down and ultimate end of stabilization grants also presents additional concerns for providers. When surveyed, 36.7% providers anticipate being unable to sustain wage increases for their child care staff or, in some cases, will have to cut wages. Without intervention, this will likely to lead to higher turnover rates among child care staff, resulting in more disruptions in care for families and a further reduction in available child care slots, statewide, due to understaffing.

How will the end of stabilization grants impact Utah's child care sector?

A recent report from The Century Foundation identified Utah as one of six states where half or more of all licensed child care programs statewide could close, without new funding to replace the federal support.

Their analysis estimates that in Utah:

  • 35,614 children will lose access to child care.
  • 663 child care programs will be forced to close their doors.
  • Parents will experience a collective loss of $101 million in earnings.
  • 1,304 child care jobs will be lost.

Deep, structural problems within the child care system existed well before the COVID pandemic; those problems will persist and worsen when COVID-era funding runs out. With 77% of Utahns living in child care deserts, parents already allocating 14-25% of their income on care, and providers making less than animal caretakers, we can’t afford to reduce our investment in child care. The child care market faces new challenges too. The current robust job market has made it increasingly difficult for child care providers to compete for good employees. And inflation has caused the cost of normal expenses to skyrocket for families. 

As we look towards the fall, parents and providers should prepare for these difficulties. But also, state and local policymakers need to pay attention and ask what they can do to mitigate a new child care crisis. 


This blog post is part of a series of blog posts examining Utah's child care funding cliff. You can find the other posts here:

To learn more about our initiative to invest in child care, go to

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