State Policy
Our childcare system has been in crisis for years. Families can't afford to pay, and costs keep climbing. Childcare providers struggle to make a living, with only their passion for kids to keep them going.
So, what is the state government going to do about it? Maybe nothing, it turns out.
In early 2024, the Utah legislature passed a law inspired by a clever model from Kentucky to bring more childcare professionals back into the field. The "Kentucky Model" supports childcare workers by covering their childcare costs even if their income is above typical thresholds. Multiple states have followed Kentucky's lead and implemented this approach.
HB461 "Child Care Grant Amendments," sponsored by Rep. Ashlee Matthews (D-Kearns), was the only proactive, positive step Utah’s legislature took this year to address the child care crisis. The law went into effect on May 1, technically.
However, the state's Office of Child Care (OCC) has no plan or timeline for implementing Utah's "Kentucky Model" policy. Leaders within OCC and the Department of Workforce Services (DWS) say that the legislation's language —"subject to available federal funds"— allows them to decide whether the “Kentucky Model” will ever be put into practice. In a story about the policy aired on June 27, DWS Deputy Director Rebecca Banner told Ben Winslow of FOX13 News that the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) money Utah receives from the federal government is "already spoken for." "[HB461 implementation] was contingent on being allowed by our federal rules and regulations and also by funding availability. We spent time over the last couple of months looking to see if we could implement this program, and we did not receive any additional funding."
The new program was not included in the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Budget that OCC presented to the Office of Child Care Advisory Committee on May 8, one week after the law was meant to go into effect. The policy was also not included in Utah’s draft CCDF State Plan, which sets plans for child care subsidies in the years ahead. These omissions suggest that OCC does not intend to implement the program, regardless of the statutory direction to do so.
When HB461 went before the House Business and Labor Committee, legislators balked at spending any state funds on the program, though the estimated cost of a fully implemented Kentucky Model policy was only $2.5 million. That's less than 2% of OCC's projected $130.5 million subsidy budget for FY25.
After confirming that federal guidelines permit such use of subsidy funding, Rep. Norm Thurston (R-Provo) added language indicating the program should be implemented with federal dollars if that funding is available and the program is approved by federal administrators. With this understanding that federal, not state, funding would be used to implement Utah's "Kentucky Model," the bill passed through the committee and legislature with overwhelming support and was signed by Governor Cox in March.
Despite strong legislation support and an increase in federal subsidy funding of over $9 million for FY25, Utah’s OCC told advocates in May that they may choose not to follow the state law at all, prioritizing other expenses instead of workforce recruitment and retention.
This workforce-oriented, high-return strategy was conceived in another "red" state, making it a solid choice for state government in addressing Utah's childcare crisis. For every childcare worker who is able to work in the field due to this policy, between four and eight childcare spots become available to other Utah families. There is a clear and substantial return on investment when states use the "Kentucky Model.".
Many childcare programs in Utah are operating below capacity due to staffing issues. A center licensed for 80 children may be able to care for only 50 due to vacant staff positions. A paid childcare benefit to attract new workers could help that center reach full capacity, supporting more Utah families.
In Kentucky, where this innovative "child care support for child care workers" approach was initially born, it was the state's Office of Child Care that conceived and initiated the idea. In Utah, though, elected officials and childcare advocates will need to do a lot of extra work to get our own Office of Child Care to follow the law.
A Rough Legislative Session for Utah Kids (Again)
Voices Opposes Legislative Efforts to Suppress Public Ballot Initiatives
Our organization recognizes the importance of standing against policies that jeopardize the well-being of Utah’s children. We believe that regular community members have the right and responsibility to influence decisions about policies that affect their lives.
The ability of everyday Utahns to influence public policy directly, through ballot initiatives, should be part of our state’s democratic process. However, the state legislature for years has passed laws that make it more difficult for members of the public to pose questions to their fellow voters statewide, by conducting ballot initiatives.
This year, the campaign to suppress public ballot initiatives takes the form of two complementary bills, both sponsored by Rep. Jason Kyle (R-Huntsville). HJR14, “Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Statewide Initiatives,” would amend our state constitution so that a simple majority of Utah voters can no longer approve new or expanded funding streams for state programs. The bill increases the threshold for a winning ballot initiative from 50% to 60%, when the ballot initiative seeks to increase revenue for state programs through a new tax or by expanding an existing tax. HB284, “Initiative Amendments,” would require a ballot initiative that increases taxes to specify where the money will come from to pay for the tax increase.
Ballot Initiatives in Utah Are Already Nearly Impossible
Utah is already one of the most difficult states in which to conduct a public ballot initiative. Whether the ballot initiative reflects the desires of Utahns to revert to our old state flag, or to expand Medicaid coverage to more people in need, organizers face high barriers before the voting public can weigh in.
For example. Utah law currently requires ballot initiative organizers to collect a total of 134,298 signatures, and they must meet specific signature thresholds in at least 26 out of 29 Senate districts. (between about 3,000 and 5,600 handwritten signatures per district, depending on the Senate district).
Even when organizers manage to clear all the hurdles to get a public ballot initiative before Utah voters, the Legislature has shown that it feels no obligation to respect voters’ desires. Ballot initiatives to legalize medical cannabis, expand Medicaid coverage to more Utahsn, and to create an independent redistricting commission (to push back on legislative gerrymandering) all successfully passed in 2018. The legislature walked back all of these efforts, either completely undoing, or mangling the implementation of, each successful initiative.
Why Voices Opposes HJR14 & HB284
Decisions made at the state level regarding investments in education, healthcare, childcare, and other essential services have profound consequences for future generations. By adding yet more hurdles for members of the public seeking to impact state laws, HJR14 and HB284 risk undermining the public’s constitutional right to directly petition their government.
If HJR14 is approved, the proposed amendment will appear on voter ballots this November. Utah voters will be able to decide whether to limit their own access to this incredibly important tool for democratic influence over public policies that affect us all.
Voices for Utah Children opposes the passage of HJR14 and HB284, recognizing the importance of preserving Utahns’ right to safeguard the interests of its children through ballot initiatives. This is particularly important now, as the legislature increasingly ignores public comment, public outcry and public sentiment when introducing and passing their bills.
Your voice matters! You can participate in the democratic process right now by weighing in on these bills, either by providing a public comment during the committee hearings or by writing your legislator to express your objections.
FAQs on HB 153: Child Care Revisions
Representative Susan Pulsipher’s HB 153: Child Care Revisions narrowly passed the Utah State Legislature on February 28, 2024, and was signed by the Governor on March 14, 2024.
Initially proposed as a child tax credit expansion initiative, HB 153 has evolved into a more complex bill with significant implications. This FAQ aims to address questions about the passed bill and explain its key components.
What does HB 153 do?
There are three main components to this bill:
- Child Tax Credit Expansion: HB 153 expands Utah’s child tax credit to include 4-year-olds. Currently, children aged 1-3 are eligible if their family meets certain income criteria and has a tax liability. This expansion will make the credit available to 0.4% more families, benefiting 1.1% more children, with an average annual tax savings of $456 per eligible family.
- Unlicensed Provider Capacity Expansion: HB 153 increases the cap on the number of unrelated children an unlicensed provider can care for from 6 to 8 (current law remains at 10 children cap if also caring for related children). With this change, Utah now ranks as the second-worst state nationally in unregulated care capacity, trailing only South Dakota.
- New Unlicensed Provider Oversight: In response to concerns from the child care community, HB 153 introduces new requirements for unlicensed providers. They must now undergo criminal background checks through the Office of Child Care Licensing. Additionally, a new stipulation limits the number of children under 3 years old being cared for to 2. Previously, unlicensed providers operated without formal oversight or state requirements.
When will this go into effect?
Each component of the bill will go into effect at a different time:
- Child Tax Credit Expansion: Initially introduced under HB 170 in 2023, the Child Tax Credit, applicable to children aged 1-3, cannot be claimed until families file their 2024 taxes, in 2025. For families with eligible 4-year-olds, the credit won't be claimable until they file their 2025 taxes, in 2026.
- Unlicensed Provider Capacity Expansion: Starting May 1, 2024, unlicensed providers will be permitted to care for up to 8 unrelated children.
- New Unlicensed Provider Oversight: Background check requirements and restrictions on the number of children under the age of 3 in care will take effect on July 1, 2024.
How will this new oversight of unlicensed providers function under HB 153?
The Office of Child Care Licensing (OCCL) within the Department of Health and Human Services already oversees residential child care licenses, which are required for providers caring for 9 or more children. OCCL also oversees the Residential Certificate program which is currently required for providers caring for 7-8 children. HB 153 now makes Residential Certification optional.
Additionally, HB 153 essentially adds a new layer of regulated care, mandating background checks for providers caring for under 8 children who do not hold a license or certificate. Current law does not require background checks for anyone caring for under 6 children. HB 153 mandates the same level of background checks as licensed child care providers, covering all staff, volunteers, and individuals older than 12 residing in the residence.
The process and enforcement mechanisms are still unclear. The bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services to establish rules for criminal background check submission. Similar requirements exist in Idaho, but enforcement is limited to instances where an unlicensed program is reported to the state.
Stay tuned for further guidance from the Office of Child Care Licensing regarding this process.
Will this increase access to child care? Will it decrease the cost of child care?
The answer is uncertain. While the state has previously expanded unlicensed child care capacity, the lack of tracking of unlicensed child care makes it impossible to gauge effectiveness.
Regulations are often blamed for high child care costs and limited availability, but studies show no direct correlation between state regulations and child care supply levels. Utah's Office of Child Care Licensing continuously strives to make licensing as easy to obtain as possible without compromising quality and safety standards.
There's no evidence to suggest this change will alleviate the child care crisis. In fact, experts predict it may decrease available child care by incentivizing programs to downsize and forego licenses.
Is this licensing change safe?
Just as there are undoubtedly reputable unlicensed providers, incidents can occur in licensed facilities as well. However, licensed providers benefit from established systems for monitoring and support, facilitating continuous improvement. The challenge with unlicensed providers lies in the lack of oversight—without clear regulations, identifying potential risks becomes difficult.
Unfortunately, the impact of unlicensed child care expansion often goes unrecognized until horrible things happen and it's too late. Without state oversight, it’s important for parents to learn about the differences between licensed and unlicensed child care. Below is a comparison chart outlining key distinctions, but we encourage parents to leverage OCCL's resources for informed decision-making.
Residential Certificate Child Care Provider | Unlicensed Child Care Provider Under HB 153 | |
Background checks required for all child care staff, volunteers, and household members 12+ | X | X (if enforced) |
Inspections of facility for safety | X | |
2.5 hours of preservice training* | X | |
10 hours of annual training* | X | |
Always requires at least one caregiver present to hold current pediatric first aid and CPR certification | X | |
Public access to rule violations available to parents | X | |
Verified local business license, health department clearance, and fire clearance (when required by city) | X | |
Must carry liability insurance or disclose lack thereof in writing to parents | X | |
Requires quality equipment, materials, and play areas that are safe, clean, adequate in size | X | |
Verified safe caregiver-to-child ratios | X | |
Requires that no provider use corporal punishment or emotional abuse to discipline a child | X | |
Requires staff to mandatorily report any instance of suspected child abuse or neglect | X |
* Training covers CPR, First Aid, home safety, emergency prevention, shaken baby syndrome prevention, sudden infant death syndrome prevention, care for children with disabilities, infectious disease control, child development, homelessness detection, and child abuse awareness.
This FAQ will be regularly updated with new questions and any developments from the Office of Child Care Licensing. If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jenna at .
Child Care for Utah's Future: A Call to Action for Elected Officials
This open letter was released on January 31, 2024, by Neighborhood House and Voices for Utah Children, two non-profit organizations working together with other community partners to create a better childcare system in Utah for the benefit of all the children in care. You can sign on, too, by completing this short form.
The undersigned community leaders urge the Utah State Legislature to take bold action on proposals that invest more dollars into Utah’s early education and childcare infrastructure.
Investing in a robust, high-quality childcare system and creating in-state infrastructure, is one of the best investments we can make for our children, and our state.
A well-supported early care and education system supports families by increasing their earning potential so they can get out of, and stay out of, poverty. It also contributes to the success of children in our school systems and as future contributors to our community.
Approximately 77% of Utahns live in a childcare desert, demonstrating that the majority of our state lacks sufficient licensed childcare to meet families’ needs (Voices for Utah Children, 2023). This predicament stems from both limited availability of services and the strikingly high cost of quality care. When available, the high cost of care inhibits lower income families from participating in the workforce.
For childcare to be considered affordable, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that a family should pay no more than 7% of its household income for childcare services. In more than half of Utah's 29 counties, families are burdened with paying between 15% and 20% of their annual income for infant/toddler care at licensed childcare facilities. (Voices for Utah Children, 2023)
The current amount of investment by state government is insufficient to address these needs. Choosing high-quality childcare is out of reach for most families, and is unattainable by most childcare providers because of the labor-intensive nature of the industry.
Without government investment, families are left with low quality options that endanger children, and disincentivize providers. We are calling on the Utah Legislature to invest more dollars into the childcare industry. With cross sector collaboration between business, the philanthropic community, and government entities, we can address this crisis and become a model for the nation.
This is truly an investment, as the long-term positive outcomes for our state are significant.
- Utah's economic prosperity is directly tied to the success and stability of its workforce. Currently, Utah’s economy loses $1.36 billion annually due to lack of childcare access. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 2022)
- Investing in our children during the most formative times of their lives staves off costly interventions that come later in life, including in our school systems. (Davis Schoch, 2023)
- The outcomes are proven: Adults who receive early childhood education as children are more likely than their peers to finish high school, have higher lifetime earnings, and avoid involvement in the criminal justice system. (Davis Schoch, 2023)
We urge you to use your influence and position to champion increased prudent investment in our state’s childcare system.
Please, take bold action for our state’s future.
Letter Signatories
(as of March 31, 2024)
- Lisa Eccles, President and COO, George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
- Spencer and Kristine Eccles
- Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation
- Clark and Christine Ivory Foundation
- Angela and Zeke Dumke
- Jeffrey & Helen Cardon Foundation
- Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway Foundation
- Carol W. and John H. Firmage, III
- Millerberg Family Giving Fund
- Semnani Family Foundation
- The McGuire Family Foundation
- BMW of Murray
- MINI of Murray
- BMW Pleasant Grove
- Firmco
- Motoring Skins
- Krystal Nielsen, Lil Oaklies Childcare
- Katie Ricord, Utah Association for the Education of Young Children
- Kristy DeGraaf, Childcare Provider, Children’s Tylenol National Childcare Teacher of the Year
- IJ & Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center
- Salt Lake Chamber
- Neighborhood House
- The Children’s Center Utah
- Utah Non-Profit Association
- Utah Afterschool Network
- United Way of Salt Lake
- Ogden Contemporary Arts
- Utah Child Care Cooperative
- YWCA Utah
- Holy Cross Ministries
- Early Childhood Alliance
- Utah Care for Kids Network
- Utah Center for Civic Improvement
- Voices for Utah Children
- South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society (Salt Lake City)
- Canyon Creek Services (Cedar City)
- Friends of the Children Utah (Kearns)
- YCC Family Crisis Center (Ogden)
- Seekhaven, Inc. (Moab)
- Peace House (Park City)
- English Skills Learning Center (Murray)
- Northeastern Utah Friends Against Family Violence (Vernal)
- Ashley Ence, Sunny Kids, LLC (Saint George)
- Moab Community Childcare (Moab)
- Bright Beginnings Academy (South Jordan)
- KaRis KiDdos (Magna)
- North Star Children's Center (Kaysville)
- Little Geniuses Learning Center LLC (Pleasant Grove)
- Little Orchard Preschools and. Learning Centers (Bountiful)
- ABC Great Beginnings (Taylorsville)
- Kool Kidz Adventure Academy (Clearfield)
- Tiny Woodland LLC (Bountiful)
- Erin Aguilar (North Salt Lake)
- Nando Arroyo (Salt Lake City)
- Michelle Barker (Woods Cross)
- Jenn Bean (Midvale)
- Stacy Bernal (Ogden)
- Robyn Blackburn (American Fork)
- Ana Castaneda (Salt Lake City)
- Merry Clift (Salt Lake City)
- Dana Cremeno (Park City
- Mikenna DeBruin (Draper)
- Erica Flugan (Salt Lake City)
- Carlie Fowles (Manti)
- Maria Sara Gonzales (Salt Lake City)
- Reverend Brent Gundlah (Salt Lake City)
- Janie Harris (Nephi)
- Tyler Harris (Nephi)
- Jessica Jauregui (Salt Lake City)
- Caressa King (American Fork)
- Heather Larsen (Nephi)
- Rhiana Medina (Moab)
- Rylee Messick (Eagle Mountain)
- Jessica Mirabile (Sandy)
- Monique Montoya (West Valley)
- Hayley Neff (Salt Lake City)
- Curtis Price (Salt Lake City)
- Stephen Scoville (Salt Lake City)
- Sally Tauber (Park City)
- Marisela Valerio (Salt Lake City)
- Maria Zavala (Salt Lake City)
- Jamie Bitton (Ogden)
- Kate Blanch (Ogden)
- Tricia Bunderson (Lehi)
- Amariah Gibbs (Salt Lake City)
- Brenda Gonzalez (Salt Lake City)
- Brittany Greenwood (West Jordan)
- Eddie Greenwood (Salt Lake City)
- Todd Hepworth (Santaquin)
- Robin Hough (Salt Lake City)
- Jeff Howell (Salt Lake City)
- Jennifer Johnson (Syracuse)
- Mariana Kraschowetz (Salt Lake City)
- Amber Lewis (Kaysville)
- Alysse Loomis (Salt Lake City)
- Lianna Lopez (Kamas)
- Natalie Mason (Salt Lake City)
- Bree Murphy (Salt Lake City)
- Reverend David Nichols (Salt Lake City)
- Reba Kiger-kolasch (Salt Lake City)
- Connie Roller (Salt Lake City)
- Jennifer Rosas (Salt Lake City)
- Eduardo Rubalcava (Magna)
- Sean Schilling (Smithfield)
- Susan R. Madsen (Bountiful)
- Reverend Jamie White (Salt Lake City)
- Mackenzie Genecov (Park City)
- Lucia Miramontes (Salt Lake City)
- Julie Adam (Salt Lake City)
- Shelby Averett (Salt Lake City)
- Alison Dedman (Cottonwood Heights)
- Monica Delgadillo (Bountiful)
- David Durrant (Cottonwood Heights)
- Elaine Ellis (Salt Lake City)
- Hannah Eldredge (Salt Lake City)
- Kayley Heier (North Salt Lake)
- John Hewes (Salt Lake City)
- Lindsay Larkin (Salt Lake City)
- Jen Milner (Salt Lake City)
- Brittany Mitchell (Salt Lake City)
- Elizabeth Moon (Salt Lake City)
- Reverend Chelsea Page (Salt Lake City)
- Melanie Pehrson (Salt Lake City)
- Erica Sánchez (West Valley City)
- Catherine Sharpsteen (Salt Lake City)
- Brooke Skelton (West Valley City)
- Karla Smith (Salt Lake City)
- Sadé Turner (Salt Lake City)
- Paul Walker (Farmington)
- Sue Womack (Springville)
- Gabriella Archuleta (Holladay)
- Sebastian De Freitas (Salt Lake City)
- Jason Johnson (Salt Lake City)
- Allison Nicholson (Salt Lake City)
- Kalolaine Tamoua (Salt Lake City)
- Cassidie Archuleta (Murray)
- Richard Biren (Lehi)
- Neal Davis (South Jordan)
- Emmie Gardner (Bountiful)
- Molly McFadden (Salt Lake City)
- Meredith Muller (Salt Lake City)
- Ze Min Xiao (Salt Lake City)
- Maggie Beers (Salt Lake City)
- Vicki Dickinson (West Jordan)
- Aubrey Meyer (Salt Lake City)
- Maureen O'Malley Kirschner (Salt Lake City)
- Rebecca Burggraaf (Salt Lake City)
- Jacqueline Diaz (Salt Lake City)
- Emilie Anderson (Salt Lake City)
- Nirla Harris (South Jordan)
- Hannah McBrayer (Salt Lake City)
- Danelle Montero (Salt Lake City)
- Diane Nielsen (Millcreek)
- Brennan Replogle (Salt Lake City)
- Leigh Tolboe (Salt Lake City)
- Liliana Torres (West Jordan)
- Sara Troutman (Salt Lake City)
- Marcus Volk (Salt Lake City)
- Grace Watts (Tooele)
- Chris Weigel (Salt Lake City)
- Maxine Baldwin (Riverton)
- Sam Mecham (West Jordan)
- Melea Rogers (Ogden)
- Rose Valderramos (Salt Lake City)
- Jackilyn Wadsworth (West Valley City)
- Jeanetta Wadsworth (Smithfield)
You can add your foundation, business, organization or name by completing our simple form below.
Davis Schoch, A. S. (2023). Children’s learning and development benefits from high-quality early care and education: A summary of the evidence. OPRE Report #2023-226. Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce. (2022). Untapped Potential in Utah: How Childcare Impacts Utah's Workforce Productivity and the State Economy.
Voices for Utah Children. (2023). Mapping Care for Kids: A County-Level Look at Utah's Crisis in Licensed Child Care. Salt Lake City.
Our 2024 Legislative Agenda
At Voices for Utah Children, we always start with this guiding question: "Is it good for all kids?" That remains our north star at the outset of the 2024 legislative session, and is reflected in our top legislative priorities.
So, what’s good for all kids in 2024?
A Healthy Start!
A healthy start in life ensures a child's immediate well-being while laying a foundation for future success. We are steadfast in our commitment to championing policies that prioritize every child's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Central to this commitment is our focus on improving Utah’s popular Medicaid and CHIP programs, which are pivotal in the lives of many Utah children and families.
This legislative session, a healthy start for kids looks like:
- Empowering Expectant Mothers: We support a proposal from Rep. Ray Ward (R-Bountiful) to increase access to health coverage for low-income and immigrant mothers-to-be.
- Increasing Access to Health Care: We support bills that aim to improve access to the vital healthcare services children and parents need, especially for those on Medicaid and CHIP.
- Protecting Health Coverage: We oppose any effort to defund, and exclude deserving children from, the Medicaid and CHIP programs that help thousands of Utah kids every year.
Early Learning and Care Opportunities!
The formative years of a child's life lay the foundation for their future, shaping their cognitive abilities, socio-emotional skills, and passion for learning. We will support efforts to increase access to home visiting programs and paid family leave, but ensuring consistent, quality, and affordable child care is our top priority.
This legislative session, early learning and care opportunities for kids looks like:
- Bolstering Access to Quality Child Care: We support the efforts of both Rep. Andrew Stoddard (D-Sandy) and Rep. Ashlee Matthews (D-Kearns) to extend the successful Office of Child Care stabilization grant program that has supported licensed child care programs statewide.
- Investing in High-Quality Preschool: We support an anticipated legislative proposal to streamline Utah’s existing high-quality school-readiness program and to make it available to more preschoolers statewide.
- Recruiting and Retaining Child Care Professionals: We support Rep. Matthews’ proposal to expand access to the Child Care Assistance Program for anyone working in the child care sector.
- Building New Child Care Businesses: We also support Rep. Matthews’ proposal to continue funding for work to develop and support new child care programs in rural, urban, and suburban areas.
To view a more comprehensive list of our 2024 early care and learning legislative priorities, click here.
Economic Stability for Families with Children!
Economic stability forms the bedrock of thriving families and vibrant communities. To ensure that young families in Utah have the support they need to afford basic necessities, we will advocate for increasing families’ access to Utah's earned income and child tax credits.
This legislative session, economic stability for families looks like:
- A Little Extra Help in the Early Years: We support HB 153, Rep. Susan Pulsipher’s (R-South Jordan) bill to expand Utah’s new Child Tax Credit, (currently only for children ages 1 to 3), to apply to children between 1 and 5 years of age. We also strongly recommend helping even more Utah families with young children by making the tax credit available for families with any child between birth and 5, and expanding it to include the thousands of lower- and moderate-income families who are currently excluded.
- Credit for Working Families with Kids: We support HB 149, Rep. Marsha Judkins’ (R-Provo) bill to expand Utah’s Earned Income Tax Credit so that more lower- and middle-income families with children can benefit.
Justice for Youth!
We want to ensure that all youth, including those who come into contact with the juvenile justice system, have access to interventions and supports that work for them and for their families. We are dedicated to advancing policies and recommendations that contribute to a more fair and equitable juvenile justice system for all Utah youth.
This legislative session, justice for youth looks like:
- Prioritizing School Safety: We are monitoring bills from Rep. Wilcox (R-Ogden) and the School Safety Task Force, including: HB 14, “School Threat Penalty Amendments” and HB 84, “School Safety Amendments.” We remain hopeful that these efforts will support a secure learning environment for all students, without contributing further to the School-to-Prison Pipeline.
Be an Advocate!
As we chart the path forward, one thing remains abundantly clear: the well-being, growth, and future of Utah's children rely on the decisions we make today. Each legislative session presents an opportunity—a chance to reaffirm our commitment, reevaluate our priorities, and reimagine a brighter, more inclusive future for all.
Together we can continue to make Utah a place where every child's potential is realized, their dreams are nurtured, and their voices are heard.
Below are some ways you can get involved this session.
Stay Informed with our Bill Tracker
Stay informed about important legislation we are watching and reach out to your local representatives to let them know how you feel about legislation that is important to you. We make it easy for you to subscribe and watch bills that you are most concerned about.
Join us for Legislative Session Days on the Hill
Join us at the Capitol, where we offer attendees the opportunity to engage in the legislative process on a specific issue area (health and/or child care). You'll have the chance to attend bill hearings, lobby your legislators, connect with fellow community advocates, and watch House and Senate floor debates. Click the button below for the dates/times of our meetings and to RSVP.
Celebrate Utah's Immigrant Community
In collaboration with our partners at UT With All Immigrants, the Center for Economic Opportunity and Belonging, and I Stand with Immigrants, we are organizing Immigrant Day on the Hill. Join us to discover ways to engage in Utah's civic life. Enjoy food, explore resource tables, participate in interactive activities, and entertainment. Everyone is invited to attend this free event!
Event Details: February 13, 2024, 3:30pm-5:30pm at the Capitol Rotunda, 350 State St, Salt Lake City, UT 84103