Kids Count

Last month, we held our annual Breakfast of Children’s Champions where we celebrated the great work happening in our communities for Utah kids. Once again, congratulations to this year's awardees: 

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Utah is seeing an ever-increasing proportion of our parents in the workforce. This Data Link provides data on families and working parents by county and provides policy recommendations in the workplace. 

Voices Data Links Working Parents in Utah1 Page 1pdfUtah Kids Count Data Links: July 2021

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The Utah KIDS COUNT Project is built around the idea that data helps us tell the story of our communities, makes us aware of problems, and brings to the forefront a discussion of the policy solutions that can make a difference in outcomes for kids. Our policy choices reflect our priorities and our priorities should be based on fact -- solid, reliable, acFirst Page of Bookcessible data on how kids are doing in our state. This annual publication, “Measures of Child Well-Being in Utah” is a first step in the process.

But how can collecting data help kids? Data can help policymakers and advocates identify problems that require action. Data can identify successful policies that should be continued or expanded. As resources become more limited, data can help policymakers track whether taxpayer dollars are being effectively invested to maximize limited resources. Data also helps service providers prove the need for programs as they write grants to support Utah’s children and their families. Data counts and helps us make KIDS COUNT. We hope this publication is useful as you work to ensure that our state invests in kids and creates a thriving state for the future.

Terry Haven, Deputy Director

 pdfMeasures of Child Well-Being in Utah, 2020


A note on the data and the COVID Pandemic:

There is always a lag in data collection which means that the data presented in the data book is often several years behind. Given the effect that COVID has had on many child well-being indicators such as unemployment, poverty, and a myriad of health indicators, it is important to note that some of the indicators in this publication may look very different at this point in time. The Annie E. Casey recognizes the importance of how COVID has affected children and there is now a COVID section of data on the Data Center. The data is from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey. You can learn more about this data on page 17 in this publication.

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July 30, 2020

Kids Count

stateofutahKIDS COUNT© is a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the United States funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Voices for Utah Children that provides statistical data on the education, health and economic well-being of children and their families. Utilizing KIDS COUNT© data allows policymakers and community leaders to make data-driven decisions that will provide a better future for our state's youngest citizens.

Utah KIDS COUNT© Data Book

For 15 years it has been the priority of the Utah KIDS COUNT© Project to ensure that policymakers, advocates, community service providers, the media, and concerned citizens have quality data on how children are doing in our state. These yearly publications provide county level data on a variety of child well-being indicators.

2023 Utah KIDS COUNT© Data Book

National Annie E. Casey KIDS COUNT© Data Book: State Trends in Child Well-Being 

  • 2024 (Released June 2024)
  • 2023 (Released June 2023)

How are kids doing nationwide?

Visit the Annie E. Casey Foundation website for nationwide data

How Does Utah Rank?

How does Utah Rank?

Published in 2020 Issues
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February 14, 2020

Make Sure Utah Counts 2020

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