April 09, 2019

All Utahns deserve access to affordable health coverage, without barriers or delays.

Voices for Utah Children OnePager SidebySide FINAL

Get Covered through Partial Expansion:

Starting April 1st, individuals earning less than $12,492 are now eligible for Medicaid. Click here to find out if you or a family member qualify. Or call 2-1-1 if you have any questions about Medicaid coverage!

What Can You Do to Help ALL Utahns Get the Affordable Health Coverage They Need? 

Thousands of Utahns are still left without affordable coverage. For those who are eligible, their Medicaid coverage now comes with additional barriers and restrictions.

  • There will soon be important opportunities to weigh in and provide your input on partial expansion, as Utah seeks additional federal waiver approval. The forthcoming public comment period will be a critical moment to tell the feds to reject Utah’s partial expansion, caps on enrollment and work reporting requirements. Stay tuned for important updates and opportunities to speak out.
  • Help individuals, parents or families connect with care if they are eligible for Medicaid under Utah’s partial expansion. Apply for Medicaid here. Have you been able to get covered? Or were you denied coverage because of partial expansion? Share your health coverage story here.

All Utahns deserve access to affordable health coverage, without barriers or delays.

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