
Uninsured Rates High for Hispanic Children

Utah has Highest Uninsured Rate for Hispanic Children in the Nation

Every child in Utah should have a chance to succeed. When it comes to setting up a child for success, few things matter more than good health. It starts when their mothers get prenatal care. It continues with regular checkups after they are born to treat and, more importantly, prevent illness. Good health care helps children reach important developmental milestones and enter school ready to learn. Coverage is essential to children reaching their full potential. Unfortunately, too many Utah children are uninsured. This is particularly true for Hispanic children in our state.

Utah ICHIA Infographic revised Dec 16 2• 22.2% of Hispanic children are uninsured in Utah. This is the highest rate in the nation by far and is twice as high as the national average for Hispanic kids of 11.5%.

• 22.2% of Hispanic kids are uninsured compared to only 7% of non-Hispanic children. This 11 percentage point disparity is the largest disparity in the country. Nationally, the average disparity is only 5 percentage points.

• Hispanic children make up 16.9% of Utah’s total child population but account for 39% of the uninsured children in the state. Of the 84,891 uninsured kids in Utah, 33,531 of them are Hispanic.

• Utah’s overall uninsured rate for kids is 9.5%, ranking us 41st (highest being worst) in the country. The national average is 7.1%. If we reduced our Hispanic uninsured rate to the national average of 11.5%, Utah’s overall uninsured rate for kids would drop to 7.5% and Utah would have the 19th best uninsured rate in the country for kids.

If we want more children to succeed in life, we must secure coverage for more of our children, regardless of ethnicity or race. We can begin to remove hurdles facing uninsured Hispanic children and set all of Utah’s children on a path to success by implementing a few first steps:

• Restore outreach funding for Medicaid and CHIP;

• Make it easier for children to keep their health coverage by implementing 12 month continuous eligibility;

• Remove the Medicaid and CHIP five year waiting period that legal immigrant kids must endure before enrolling in these programs.

Utah uninsured-kids


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Uninsured Rates High for Hispanic Children