March 03, 2021

Voices has supported and continues to support SB214 “Official Language Amendments”

During the 2021 legislative session, Voices has supported and continues to support SB214 “Official Language Amendments” as a positive initial step forward to ensure highly impacted communities can receive the information they need.

In the last days of legislative session, we ask our House Representatives to vote yes on SB214. While we recognize that this is not a full repeal of the law, this bill does remove funding restrictions and “official communications that exist” while keeping English as the official language in place.  We feel strongly that this law should have never been in statute in the first place. We will continue to work on ensuring this law is repealed completely.

It is sound policy that children and families should feel that they belong and that their languages are welcome. We recognize that changing this law now is crucial and that we must remove it completely in the coming year. It is a priority of Voices to ensure that all children in our state feel that they belong no matter where their families come from or the language they speak.
